Exhibition Review: Andre Yi, "Obliterate" (Art and Cake)

“Before turning to sculpture, Andre Yi created delicate paintings and drawings. His early works were detailed renderings of natural and architectural elements centered in large expanses of soft color, often juxtaposed with swirling ribbon shaped white lines that suggested flowing rivers… Imagining a progression, it is possible to see the trajectory from Yi’s paintings which were becoming more abstracted while remaining two-dimensional, to his current constructions. It is as if the trees and the background disappeared leaving just the geometric shapes.” - Jody Zellen for Art and Cake

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Exhibition Review: Katie Kirk, "Parts and Motions" (Maake Magazine)

“Walking into Parts and Motions, a solo show of new works by Katie Kirk, you begin with a lone small painting hanging almost surreptitiously to the left… The main space proposes a world where the divisions of drawing, painting, and sculpture are fluid and where the acts of making are interchangeable… As a material lover, I really gravitated close to each piece.  Standing nose to surface, it was a pleasure to stay with one and dig into the drips, the ‘paint skins’, the rubbings, drawings, twists in clay, and glaze…” - Christina Han for Maake Magazine

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Jann Pollard accepted into the 2019 Salon of Drawing & Painting in Paris, France

Open Mind Art Space is delighted to share that our current featured artist, Jann Pollard, has been accepted into next year's SALON DESSIN ET PEINTURE A L’EAU  (Salon Drawing and Painting with Water) in Paris, France. This annual salon is the largest exhibition of works under glass in the world, with over 500 artists in participation.  In 2018, approximately 11,000 visitors attended the salon on the opening day.

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7 Artists Reinventing the Ancient Art of Mosaics (Artsy)

Rather than the traditional glass or stone, Lowder’s mosaics are composed of reclaimed wood, often sourced from barns, and metal signage—materials that reflect his Midwestern milieu. In some, bits of hand-lettered typography appear in a reorganized jumble. It’s like looking at an old country store through a kaleidoscope. And yet, references to religious icons and celestial phenomena suggest a sort of spiritual geometry, taking Lowder’s compositions beyond remixed Americana. They’re more reminiscent of the diagrams in illuminated medieval manuscripts.

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